Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Farewell

                                             A farewell
Strange that does it sound, isn’t it?
I talking about farewell on Friendship Day..
Comrades, dwelling in different platforms of intelligence, talents, Skills,
Let us bid a farewell to the  person which stands for “I” in all of Us.
Bidding a farewell to the Ignorance residing in Us.
The greatest distance can be shortened with an exchange of ideas to crisp actions.
Let’s be One Voice,
Attempting to stand from the rest of the crowd,
We might fall , amidst laughter that surrounds us,
Many a times getting too loud..
But we cannot afford to sit there
Expecting silence to evoke change without efforts..
Let’s rise --
From Ignorance to awakening,
From unknown to known,
To known to the steps of Knowledge,
An alone “I” cannot in itself give solutions to doubts, problems..
But together we find solutions  to answers.
Not all voices can be heard,
But a Teacher’s voice among Millions can be heard,
For that we need to walk Us in Us
If today the walls of “I” come crashing down,’
For sure we can create The History for the Budding Tomorrow’s !!!..
Let’s bid farewell